A subject access request gives individuals the right under the General Data Protection Regulation to find out what information we hold about them.
Data Protection and Subject Access Requests
What is a subject access request?
How do I request a subject access request (SAR)?
We request you complete and return to us a SAR form along with two types of identification. Click read more for a link to the form and more information about the kinds of identification we can accept.
Is there a fee for making a Subject Access Request?
No, there is no fee for a straightforward Subject Access Request.
Do I have to have any identification copy documents certified as true copies?
No, there is no need to have documents certified.
If you are unable to locate any information for me on your records, will you tell me?
Yes, we will notify you if we cannot find any information for you on our records.
Can I request a SAR by phone?
Yes. We will then send you a copy of our SAR form via your preferred method of contact or you can print it from our website, to return to us with your two forms of identification.
Can I request a SAR on behalf of somebody else?
Yes, however we require the data subject’s consent in writing and two forms of identification as required from the above table, confirming the representative’s identification, along with our form.
Can you forward on my SAR results to another organisation or third party on my behalf?
No, details of your request will be forwarded to you and you can forward on the details as necessary.
How long will it take to process my SAR?
We will send you the details of your request within one month of receiving the requested documents.
How will I receive the information?
We can send the information by email or post.
Where can I find out more information about making a SAR?
For more information, you can visit the Information Commissioner’s website: http://www.ico.org.uk