What is this debt about?
We collect a variety of debts, including Council Tax, Non-Domestic, Penalty Charge Notices (also known as PCNs) for local authorities (councils), and unpaid County Court Judgments (CCJ’s) under a High Court Writ of Control.. The type of debt we are collecting from you is detailed on the Notice of Enforcement you have received from us. Below are brief details of each.
Council Tax is a tax on domestic property (homes) and paid by people who occupy the properties or by the owners of empty properties or homes in multiple occupation. All domestic properties are subject to this tax, and even if you receive benefits you may be expected to pay something.
Non-Domestic Rates (NDR) is a tax on commercial property (business premises) and paid by people who occupy the properties or by the owners of empty properties.
Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) refer to parking and other traffic-related penalties, which are incurred by the registered keeper of a vehicle for a range of contraventions. These include parking for too long, or in the wrong place, or breaking a traffic rule such as driving in a bus lane. The penalty is incurred by the registered keeper, who may not have been the driver who carried out the violation.
High Court Writs of Control are issued by the court in where the monies owed under a CCJ (County Court Judgment) remain unpaid. Before we are involved you will have been sent several letters and forms by both the court and the creditor and had a writ of control issued against you.
In all the above cases, before we are instructed to collect your debt, you will have been contacted several times by the issuing authority. In the case of Council Tax and NDR, you will have also been issued with a Liability Order by the Magistrates Court. In the case of PCNs, you will have been issued with a Warrant of Control by the Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC), a part of the County Court.
In addition, we collect a range of Sundry Debts (including Former Tenant Arrears, Overpaid Housing Benefit or other miscellaneous debts) and Commercial Rent, and execute Arrest Warrants. If your enquiry relates to any of these, please call us on 0330 390 2010.